Lotus Dog Favorite Malabar Baby Blanket

Loved By Lotus - A baby dog's favorite blanket

"Whenever Lotus goes to the vet, we always take the blanket with us. She loves it so much.  I honestly believe it’s the energy which Malabar Baby brand emits is a sense of love, belonging and safety." Read more about Kate Padget Koh's story, written by her and shared with Malabar Baby.

I first came to experience “Malabar Baby” and the brand’s founder Anjali through a very dear friend of mine Kanch.  Anjali is such an inspiring and interesting woman, full of passion, commitment, and very serious about what she wants to put out in the world. This immediately impressed me, the more I got to know her, the more I realized it’s not just drive but there is a very big heart and message of love she expresses through everything she does.

A few months later, we met to talk about business and connect together. She’s always a great pleasure to be with and she brought me a small gift. It was a block printed cotton baby blanket. I don’t have a human baby, but one of my dog babies immediately took ownership of this small blanket. My female Shih Tsu Lotus loves this quilt.

Dogs are very sensitive. They feel energy and sense things to a much greater depth than humans usually do.   I’m a big dog lover. I have five dogs and at that time had a sizable pack, Lotus being the alpha female. She’s a small cute fluffy Shih Tzu with a very big personality and a great level of sensitivity for products and things.   I paint and whenever I do this, she wants to lie on my sketchbook, the Canvas, the drawing I am making.  She had a habit of sleeping on a Michael-Angelo book I have.  I always said she loves to be with greatness and this blanket is no exception.

Whenever Lotus goes to the vet, we always take the blanket with us. She loves it so much. She always wants to lie on it and she hasn't been like this with any other blankets or rugs.   I honestly believe it’s the energy which Malabar Baby brand emits is a sense of love, belonging and safety. The products are organic. The techniques are traditional. It’s a family business headed up by a very committed female entrepreneur with a big heart.   Whilst I don’t have a human baby, my baby dog loves this brand and I would certainly recommend anything from Malabar Baby for any child, adult and four-legged friend.

As a Fashion and Sustainability industry expert, I have followed, worked with and experienced many Brands.  We live in a time when authenticity and commitment to Sustainability are really valued.  Many of us want to buy from Brands which really care for us and our family’s well being, creating products which improve our quality of life.  Babywear and Children’s clothing are notoriously challenging categories to do well and to have Parents trust with their offspring.  There are seemingly endless safety challenges to address and products need to be durable, washable and attractive.  “Malabar Baby” does all of that with a commitment to doing it Sustainably, authentically and with a lot of love. We need more Brands like this.   I look forward to following the journey of Malabar Baby and more beautiful products they create.