Sunday, March 8 marks International Women’s Day, a day to celebrate women’s achievements throughout history. Historically, International Women’s Day advocates for gender parity and women’s rights. This year, Anjali, the founder of Malabar Baby, wants to give a big shout out to other women who are making their mark in the world today -- ‘Malabar Mamas’, if you will -- who have perfected the art of hustling. Anjali says: “The hustle is real and there is no doubt that women can have it all, but it’s natural to sometimes feel alone, overwhelmed and like a bad mommy for missing an important recital because you could not reschedule a client pitch. The key is to remember you are not alone and you don't need to beat yourself up over it anymore.”
Anjali continues: “I’m always inspired by women and families I connect with online on our social channels and in person -- everyone is creating their own story, working to be the best they can be - so why not help each other more. Share more. Be kind, just a little bit more.”
“Malabar Baby survives because of the tribe of women who surround me, lift me up and encourage me in all that I do,” says Anjali. “I consciously surround myself with women who keep it real. They naturally possess a collaborative (as opposed to a competitive) attitude and go above and beyond to help others in their community. As women, it’s such a privilege to empower each other and that’s why it's our turn at Malabar Baby to share our new Blog Series called ‘Malabar Mentors’.” The aim of the series is to share the amazing work of entrepreneurs who will mentor women informally and virtually, with their own experiences, candid advice and wonderfully humorous insight.
The really personal part of ‘Malabar Mentors’ is that all of the women featured today and going forward truly believe in our mission and our products -- they really are our clients. We have clients all over the world in some of the coolest professions making their mark everyday and we can't wait to give them a little love. Finally, we hope the short stories from the women featured each month keep you motivated and make you realize that anything is truly possible. Don’t hesitate to drop us a line if you want to hear from anyone in particular or be featured yourself!
Photography credit: Jenna Potter/Lucky Fish Photography for Retykle
We start the ‘Malabar Mentors’ series today with avocado mama Sonalie Figueiras, founder of Green Queen. If you have not signed up for the weekly Green Update, you must! Literally everything you need to know about Mother Nature in one concise email. The impact media platform advocates for social and environmental change in Hong Kong by shifting consumer behavior through inspiring and empowering original content. By attempting to live a healthier life, she realized how much time and effort it took and her little ‘green’ book of contacts and addresses got longer… and so Green Queen was born, the online guide where Sonalie shares her findings and educates all of us on how we can be greener citizens.
What’s your 9-5 passion?
My passion is making the world a better, safer, kinder place. I'm a born activist and I won't ever quit.
How do you juggle work and being a mom?
I don't know if I have an answer to that! I don't know any other way and I am sure most working moms would tell you the same thing. We just get up every day and do our best, nothing more, nothing less!
Who or what keeps you sane?
My family keeps me sane. I’m a homebody who loves spending the weekend with them -- they give me energy and peace.
What keeps you up at night? Any advice you can share with women today struggling to keep it all together?
The state of the world keeps me up at night: why isn't everyone fighting the greatest risk of our lives, a.k.a. the climate crisis? Also, is everyone getting meaner? It feels like kindness has never been so rare. As for struggling to keep it all, my one piece of advice is: surrender to the chaos. There is no controlling everything.
Why Malabar? What’s your favorite Malabar Baby product?
Malabar is absolutely my favorite baby brand. Not only is it great Indian design (love that it celebrates my maternal country’s artistic heritage), it is a brand defined by sustainability. I love to gift it to new moms! My #1 product is the baby towel. We got other brands as gifts, but only Malabar towels are still in great shape after 1.5 years.
Photography credit: Jesper McIlroy Photography
Next up is Cara McIlroy, co-founder of Genie Juicery , model and nutritionist. This mama has three under the age of six and juggles a very successful career in HK. Genie Juicery was founded in 2011, serving up cold-pressed juices to busy and stressed out Hong Kongers since then. As a certified health coach from the school of Integrative Nutrition, she’s been educating the health conscious around Hong Kong while modeling and hosting events for luxury brands across Asia.
What’s your 9-5 passion?
Oh gosh, my 9-5 passion is my kids, for sure. I love my job/jobs but they are my passion, right now at least.
How do you juggle work and being a mom?
The juggle is real! My mind is always in a million places at one time. I always feel guilty about not being either at home or at work. It’s hard really hard. I’m lucky because I get to be at home with my children a lot of the time, and I’m so grateful for that, but I do also struggle with the feeling that I’m not doing enough for myself and my career. I’m my own worst enemy. I want to be a stay-at-home mom, but I also want to be a super successful business woman. My mind races like crazy thinking about new business ideas and I have to tell myself to chill sometimes and just be a mom to three kids under the age of 6!
Who or what keeps you sane?
My bestie and business partner at Genie Juicery, and my Lantau tribe keep me sane. Long hikes and swims help, too.
Any advice you can share with women today struggling to keep it all together?
Don’t be so hard on yourself. I can only speak for myself, of course, but I can be so critical of myself sometimes. It’s only when I step back and have time to reflect and be present that I realise just how much I have accomplished or when my darling friends remind me.
What’s your favorite Malabar Baby product?
My favourite product would be the adult blue and white Fort bedding set -- I love it so much. But my little one would say the sleeping bags for sure. We don’t go anywhere without it.

Next, we have Shireen Irani, the founder of iProbono, an organization that works to protect the most vulnerable and to secure equal access to justice and opportunity. Shireen has worked in law and development across the UK, India and the US and created iProbono soon after graduating from law school. If you are in the legal space and passionate about giving back Shireen's story will not only inspire you but, empower you to get involved with iProbono. Here’s a quick rundown of Shireen's story and how she juggles work and motherhood:
What’s your 9-5 passion?
Enabling access to justice for the people who need it most @iProbono and @Fieldfisher. I work on various issues but my focus bends towards children at risk.
How do you juggle work and being a mom?
I have two little ones who I want to give my all to and a job that I’m passionate about, so it’s a delicate balance. I’ve accepted I won’t fit in everything I want to do all the time. Each day I make a trade off between work, family, friends, personal time and sleep. Once I’ve made that decision, I make the most of my time and compensate where I need to the next day. I often get it wrong but I’ve made my peace with things being imperfect.
Who or what keeps you sane?
My husband. He’s my anchor and an equal partner in every way. He believes in me even when my self-worth is flagging.
What keeps you up at night, personally? Any advice you can share with women today struggling to keep it all together?
I think about vulnerable children living in fear while mine are safely tucked up in bed. This bothers me and I will often stay up thinking about what I and iProbono can do. It’s also sobering and makes me grateful for all that I have, just by luck of birth.
This three-minute story of a mother and child always gives me perspective on my life (and it gives me hope too):
The advice I give to friends is to find an issue that resonates; commit time to help fix it; find joy in what you can achieve for someone else; let them give you perspective and gratitude for all you have.
Why Malabar? What’s your favorite Malabar Baby product?
I love buying beautiful, thoughtfully made products, that I know are manufactured ethically -- Malabar fits all this criteria.
I have many of Malabar’s organic muslin swaddles to use at home and when we’re on-the-go. The large size is perfect as a light blanket, or to protect my babies from the sun. They’re great for lining surfaces when we’re out, giving the kids a clean spot to sit and play on. The material is perfect for holding on to smells so sometimes I sleep with one rolled over my eyes -- it blocks the light and I get to breathe in my baby’s smell :)
After being interviewed and inspried by digital marketing consultant and lifestyle blogger Ankita, we’re working to highlight and share the stories of amazing entrepreneurs in Asia and beyond. Ankita’s purpose is to empower and encourage other women, offering a supportive community who are always rooting for each other. Keep checking back to our blog for ‘Malabar Mentors’, a series of interviews with inspirational women in our Malabar Baby community.